Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Hoorah hoorah! A mostly functional bathroom. Still waiting to use the shower, but the rest is good. Now it's mostly the prettifying left to do; grout, paint, doorknobs, electricity, etc.
I rearranged the girls bedroom yesterday. Sick and tired of edging past the end of Mari's bed to get in the door, we decided to risk having a yawning abyss on both sides of her bed... Last night she asked to be tucked in tighter.... Tighter!
Rosa's cot is just to the left of frame.
Posted by
7:44 am
Saturday, March 24, 2007
it was fete...
We left the house this morning, expecting an everyday fun time at a couple of fetes and came home with this incredible, but very edible, chocolate cake (won in a raffle) and a swamp monster.
"You don't want to be a fairy darlin'?" "No, a dinosaur." Swamp monster was the closest they had.
Posted by
2:12 pm
Friday, March 23, 2007
Getting there
It might look more than a before photo than an after, but you just wait. Really, it's a progress photo. That corner still need grout, a couple more tiles, taps, shower screen, and a really good scrubbing down and cleaning out. But we're getting there. It's at count down stage. Should be functional within a week.
Posted by
8:41 pm
Sunday, March 11, 2007
A bit of nostalgia
Mum, those countless, selfless evenings of singing me to sleep with Seekers songs have paid off... With my thanks, I offer you Mari's rendition as she went to sleep tonight.
Puff the Magic Dragon
Lived by the sea,
And frolicked in the ocean mist,
And du-ug up the weeeeeds!
Posted by
8:25 pm
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Saturday. Under shady tree. Girls too. Alternately playing in sandpit and munching sandwiches. This would be something akin to bliss if we hadn't been in each others pockets all week without bathroom or toilet, with spasmodic water and power, and not enough adult company. And now, no coffee.
Still, the nice moments were rich and came often. Like the turtle cheese biscuits that were paired up by a match-making Mari, who decided they all needed hugs.
And, the bathroom is coming along. It might seem like a we've been utilising a bucket (at night) for a year, but really it's been less than a week. And it's only a week to go. Nothing really, when we think of the luxurious bathroom we have waiting for us at the end of the week. Or fortnight, if we count the trappings.
And yes, I know you're thinking it: That is one huge bath. I have a history and reputation of stating "But it looked smaller in the shop!" Or in this case, in the catalogue. Still, I've always fantasised about a bath I don't have to baste myself in to keep warm. I'm justifying it with our extremely energy and water efficient new front loading washing machine, and the fact that I'll only have a proper bath on my birthday. Or if I haven't showered all week.
Posted by
11:38 am