Monday, May 28, 2007
Go and play my Quiz if the inspiration strikes you. I didn't write the questions - it's a different theme each day of the week.
Posted by
8:09 pm
Monday, May 21, 2007
Well, this clip really illustrates two salient points about me. One; I'm too much of an idiot photographer to remember to film video horizontally. And two; I'm too cheap to spend $3.95 on the plug-in that could turn it round.
But it is cute though. If you just tilt your head a bit.... and ignore the tear away at the end.
They were actually listening to the Macarana (don't even ask how that came about) but I didn't want to inflict that on you, gentle reader.
Posted by
9:46 pm
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Now That Was a Good Weekend.
It's cold and drizzly but that's ok. We've had a lovely two days. Saturday morning, we heading down to the market. First stop was the Albion for mushrooms on toast and the best coffee and hot chocolate in town. It's run by a wonderful couple who greet every patron like an old friend, and really do know half of their customers by name. Mari and I sat in the warmth and, well looked at an anatomy book actually, while James and Rosa ducked in the swarming market for some fruit & vegies. After that, I went shopping in peace, then in the afternoon we did some gardening
and tidied up before our very good friends Dan & Melinda arrived for dinner with Dan's sons Ambriel and Zephyr, two of the most charming and polite lads I've even met. They're 13 and 11 (I think) and if I had boys would want them to grow up just like that. So, after unwrapping some cheese and cracking a bottle or two, we sank in to a lovely evening of food and wine.
Sunday morning James took the girls to the park for a hour or so, while I spent some time being unashamedly lazy. They returned keen for more adventure so off we went to a nearby pine forest - such wonderful colour after all this rain, and mushroom and toadstools everywhere! We found what must be a scout outpost, complete with climbing web. After a winnie-the-pooh like expotition, we scavenged a bag of pine cones and headed home for an unexpected nap (for me!) which inspired me to cook up a batch of wintry minestrone and chive flat bread. The house was full of warmth and the smell of soup.
Posted by
4:15 pm
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Thank goodness.
We're back. Hi! Fully visual again. Bought a tiny fujifilm f20 for snaps. Very nice little beast.
It does this.
And this.
It actually takes a very snappy little video. Hard to tell from the massively compressed youtube verson, but much better than the video camera that we bought for (ahem) a lot more, just a few years ago. And it takes the same size images (6 megapixel) as our (admittedly 5 year old) ex pro nikon. Don't know whether to get very excited about the wonders of technology, or just get very depressed that it only takes a couple of years for equipment that cost thousands (and thousands!) of dollars can now all be done by a tiny little silver bullet for a couple hundred.
I'm going with happy.
Posted by
6:39 pm
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
nocturnal bovine
"What do cows say Rosa?"
Now try to get the image of a paddock full of cows baying at the night sky out of your head. Just try. I can't.
Posted by
9:06 am
Thursday, May 03, 2007
For all those who live nearby - did you see that?! The rain! The storm! The wind! The RAIN!
The puddles!
Apologies for my camera work. Must work on that.
Posted by
4:13 pm
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Getting my fix
Some photos Mari took with MaJenny's camera on her blog.
Posted by
6:55 pm